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Found 35 results for the keyword patroon. Time 0.006 seconds.
In the United States, a patroon (from Dutch patroon, owner or head of a company) was a landholder with manorial rights to large tracts of land in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland in North America. Through the Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions of 1629, the Dutch West India Company first started to grant this title and land to some of its invested members. -- Wikipedia Gratis Photoshop-penselen bij Brusheezy!Beste penselen Zoeken op categorie
Brooklyn - WikipediaHowever, the East River shore was growing too fast for the three-year-old infant City of Williamsburg; it, along with its Town of Bushwick hinterland, was subsumed within a greater City of Brooklyn in 1855, subsequently
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Hoboken, New Jersey - WikipediaFew nonwhites had settled in Hoboken by 1901. The Brooklyn Eagle claimed that an unwritten sundown town policy prevented African Americans from residing or working there. 59
Hypnotiseur Roy Dictus - Zepperen - LimburgHypnotiseur Roy Dictus met praktijk in Zepperen (Belgisch Limburg, nabij Sint-Truiden), ook bereikbaar via videogesprek
Yonkers, New York - WikipediaYonkers has undergone several changes to neighborhoods in an effort to revitalize the city, which has included gentrification. Changes were made to its waterfront, which included revitalizing its green space. 7
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