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Found 363 results for the keyword passwd. Time 0.005 seconds.
passwd is a tool on most Unix and Unix-like operating systems used to change a user's password. The password entered by the user is run through a key derivation function to create a hashed version of the new password, which is saved. -- Wikipedia OpenBSD FAQ: System ManagementNote that the hardware clock must already be running at the desired offset before booting OpenBSD with the above configuration or the system time will be incorrectly adjusted at boot.
Linux Command Help - Hack The Sec-Leading Resource Of Linux Tutorial+i.substring(0,n.summaryLength)+
The gpasswd command ExplainedThis tutorial explains the gpasswd command and its options in detail. Learn how to use the gpasswd command on Linux.
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
LDAP/NSS - Debian WikiThis page describes the steps needed to get user names, groups and other information that is usually stored in flat files in /etc or NIS from an LDAP server. This information is exposed through NSS (Name Services Switch)
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