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Found 50 results for the keyword parapsychological. Time 0.060 seconds.
Parapsychological Education Centre - PPRIParapsychological Education Centre offers credible parapsychology courses, a social science focusing on ESP, psychokinesis consciousness.
The Parapsychological AssociationThe website of the Parapsychological Association, a professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi (or psychic ) experiences, and a resource for those interested in the study of parapsy
Research and Resources - PPRIPPRI studies parapsychological phenomena our research endeavours to deepen the understanding, thereby increasing public awareness.
Investigation - PPRIPPRI conducts free, confidential, ethical, and professional parapsychological investigations using extensive knowledge experience.
News and Articles - PPRINews Articles featuring members of Paranormal Research and Investigation and other up-to-date paranormal parapsychological news.
Events - PPRIPPRI hosts many paranormal parapsychological events in Halifax across Nova Scotia, the largest being the Halifax Paranormal Symposium.
Educational Initiatives - PPRIIt s imperative to provide accurate, scientific, and up-to-date information in a field marred by misinformation, fraud, and ethical lapses.
About Us - PPRIPPRI, established in 1997, was among the first organizations in Nova Scotia dedicated to examining claims of paranormal phenomena.
Psychic - WikipediaThe results of the analysis of the predictions found that psychics were correct 11% of the time, wrong 35% of the time, and that some predictions were too vague to characterize (19%) or the predicted outcome was so obvio
Parascientifica - PPRIParascientifica is a journal created by Paranormal Phenomena Research Investigation that features parapsychology and paranormal articles.
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