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OW Academic Staff - Open Window
The Organic Works The OW StoreWhoops... Nothing in here! Explore around to add items.
Look at me-ow :: BehanceIllustration, Character Design, Drawing
Loerie Award Finalists 2023Julia Mohanoe Project Title: Spectacle Identity Programme Category: Student Logos and Identity Programmes
Pendoring Award Finalists 2023Karla Koekemoer Project Title: Shongololo Identity Category: Student Identity programmes
Finders International : Probate Genealogists Genealogy ResearchersOur expert team specializes in locating missing heirs and tracing family trees with a proven track record of success. Contact us today to learn more!
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication degreeBachelor of Arts Honours in Visual Communication degree is offered at an NQF level 8 and consists of 120 credits. The duration of this programme is one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. The program
Postgraduate Diploma in Creative PracticThe Open Window’s Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Practice is offered at NQF level 8 and consists of 120 credits in total. The degree’s methodology is practice-led and practice-focused and comprises both practical and t
Look See with Oscar Wylee. Glasses, Sunglasses and OptometristsGlasses Sunglasses- Look See with Oscar Wylee. Book a Bulk Billed Eye Test with an Optometrist today at over 120 Australian Locations.
Open Window - Institute for Creative Arts TechnologiesPrivate Higher Education offering Postgraduate,Degree and Higher Certificate qualifications in creative fields.
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