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Responsibilities of charitable institutions and those who govern themThis section sets out the standards in relation to risk assessments, complaints-handling procedures and making sure charitable institutions use donations for the purposes for which they are given.
Home | PoppyscotlandWe are committed to supporting our Armed Forces community in Scotland. Find out how you can get involved in this year’s Scottish Poppy Appeal or how you can get help. Behind them. Always.
SBF Match Guidance PageGuidance for Bowlers at SBF Matches. Purpose of Games The purpose of the games is to foster fellowship and spread the word regarding the charitable work carried out by the Fellowship. Many clubs raise funds for
Contacting Scottish Bowlers FellowshipHow to contact the Fellowship. John Lassa Secretary Scottish Bowlers Fellowship PO Box 5615 Glasgow G52 9DP
Welcome to the Home Page of the Scottish Bowlers FellowshipWelcome to the Fellowship website for 2024 New Website under construction A new website is currently under construction for the SBF
HTML StandardThis table lists the character reference names that are supported by HTML, and the code points to which they refer. It is referenced by the previous sections.
A Play, A Pie and A Pint - Lunchtime Theatre at Òran MórA Play, A Pie and A Pint: The UK’s most successful lunchtime theatre. A new play every week, Mondays to Saturdays at Òran Mór in Glasgow. Buy tickets here.
Professional fundraisers, commercial participators and partners | FundThis section includes what needs to be set out as part of fundraising agreements and what paid third-party fundraisers must say to donors when fundraising on behalf of a charitable institution.
Home - the Friends of Glasgow Botanic GardensThe Friends of Glasgow Botanic Gardens have a simple wish – that you enjoy the Gardens as much as we do.
Long Distance Trails | Perth and Kinross Countryside TrustFancy a week-long walking getaway or a nice long walk over the weekend? Then the Cateran Trail is one for you!
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