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Found 36 results for the keyword orthostudiogeneva. Time 0.014 seconds.
Will my insurance cover Invisalign treatment? - Ortho Studio GenevaIt really depends on your insurance. We will provide you with all the necessary paperwork so you may check with your insurance.
Will I feel any pain with Invisalign? - Ortho Studio GenevaOur patients describe the first few days as if they were feeling “pressure” on their new sets of Aligners. Pressure is normal, it actually shows you that the aligners are applying the gentle constant push that is require
Will I be able to speak normally? - Ortho Studio GenevaYou may need a few days to completely get used to having Invisalign aligners in your mouth. At the beginning you may notice a small lisp but it will not stay!
Will anyone see that I’m wearing Invisalign aligners? - Ortho Studio GInvisalign aligners are virtually invisible. This is actually why we like to promote them, they are effective and will blend with your lifestyle with minimal to no changes.
What should I do if I lost an aligner or if one of them broke? - OrthoCall us! We will check with your Doctor to make sure we keep you on the right path in regards to your treatment plan. We may recommend you to wear the previous or next set of aligners, or simply have new ones delivered…
What is Invisalign treatment? - Ortho Studio GenevaInvisalign Orthodontic treatments are characterized by invisible sets of aligners that the patients wear for a few days. Each aligner moves one or several teeth with no pain, and without the restrictions linked to braces
What if I wear my aligners only when I sleep? - Ortho Studio GenevaFor effective results your Invisalign aligners must be worn 21 hours per day. We cannot guarantee results below.
What if I am already wearing braces? - Ortho Studio GenevaSome patients are actually treated using a combination of braces and aligners! If braces are too painful or does not give you the results you want, it is never too late to change!
What benefits do I have in choosing Invisalign? - Ortho Studio GenevaInvisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible — It means that if you do not tell people you are wearing them…people will not notice you’re wearing them! You can remove them to eat and drink, or for special occasions.
Since having my braces removed, my teeth have shifted. Can InvisalignInvisalign is excellent for correcting post-braces shifting. It can effectively realign your teeth, maintaining the results of your previous orthodontic treatment.
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