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Found 22 results for the keyword orthoptists. Time 0.006 seconds.
Who Are Orthoptists? | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsOrthoptists specialise in the investigation, diagnosis and management of eye movement defects and visual problems. Our focus is on how the two eyes work in synchronisation; this is called binocular vision. Causes of ey
The Irish Association of Orthoptists |The Irish Association of Orthoptists (IAO) is the professional body for orthoptists in Ireland providing support, guidance, and educational resources for our members whilst providing information and education for our pat
About us | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsProfessional body for orthoptists working in Ireland
Careers | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsOrthoptists are autonomous practitioners who work as part of an integrated eye care team. We work closely with opthathalmologists, optometrists, ophthalmic nurses, and technicians. Our role included working with endocr
Eye Care professionals | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsThe eyes are incredibly complex structures. As technology has advanced and as knowledge has grown, eye care has evolved over many years and now involves several professions. These separate professional groups often work
Paediatric patients | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsAmblyopia is the term used to describe reduced vision in one or both eyes due to them not being stimulated properly in childhood.
Find An Orthoptist | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsEye Clinic, Castlebar Primary Care Centre
Request a Booking | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsLost your password? Please enter your email address. You will receive mail with link to set new password.
Testimonials | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsThank you for listening to my concern about my on-going visual disturbances, numerous falls, and my head taking the knocks. Words are not enough to express my great appreciation, your combined skills with kindness, comp
Adult Patients | The Irish Association of OrthoptistsDiplopia, or double vision, is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object. It can be horizontal, vertical, tilting, or a combination of all of these. Depending on the cause and severity, it can be inter
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