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OraFAQ Forum: Welcome to the forumThe Oracle FAQ is NOT an official Oracle site, but rather a get-together of people with jobs in Oracle. In our spare time we come together here to learn about Oracle, share knowledge and try to help others solve their pr
XML/RSS Newsfeeds - Oracle FAQRSS is an XML-based format for content distribution. This website offers several RSS feeds with headlines, descriptions and back links:
Scripts - Oracle FAQBelow are some free Oracle Scripts and code examples you can download:
Events - Oracle FAQOracle Calendar of Events (meetups, conferences, training, webcasts): on this page you will find what's happening in Oracle Land - Things to Do, Places to Go, Sights to See.
Oracle FAQThis is a collaborative website. Please make constructive edits anywhere you see fit. Visit the Help:Contents and Help:Formatting cheatsheet sections for information on how to login, edit pages, add new pages, etc.
Mailing lists - Oracle FAQAll you need to participate in a mailing list is an E-mail program. A mailing list generally works well for low to medium traffic groups. High traffic lists will flood your inbox. Forums and Usenet are better suited to h
Usenet - Oracle FAQThe following USENET News groups are available:
Oracle FAQ:Privacy policy - Oracle FAQThe Oracle FAQ is committed to safeguarding your privacy on-line. Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated as you make full use this site:
Category:Frequently Asked Questions - Oracle FAQThe following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
Papers - Oracle FAQBelow are some free Oracle White Papers you can download:
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