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Found 47 results for the keyword ofccp. Time 0.006 seconds.
OFCCP Audit PreparationBerkshire's audit team helps our clients understand and defend their company in the event of an OFCCP audit. Learn what an audit is today!
Cara Crotty Presents Webinar on OFCCP Audits: Constangy, Brooks, SmithIn this session, we do a deep dive into the information that must be submitted to the OFCCP, discuss strategies for preparing for an OFCCP compliance evaluation, and how to emerge from an audit unscathed.
AAP for ConstructionBerkshire's experienced team of affirmative action experts can help federal construction contractors stay compliant with OFCCP regulations.
Resources - Berkshire AssociatesBerkshire's expert consultants regularly produce webinars, white papers, and other resources to help HR professionals stay up-to-date on compliance issues.
Cara Crotty: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLPCara advises employers on ways to avoid litigation and has defended employers in cases involving virtually every aspect of the employment relationship, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims and var
Affirmative Action TrainingBerkshire's team of experts offers a variety of courses to help HR professionals stay abreast of OFCCP regulations and guidelines.
Affirmative Action SolutionsWith a 98% satisfaction rate, we know affirmative action compliance. Berkshire has been a leader in the affirmative action space for nearly 40 years.
Berkshire BlogThe Berkshire Blog contains expert advice on applicant tracking processes, affirmative action compliance, compensation practices
Equal Employment Opportunity Posters | U.S. Department of LaborAn official website of the United States government.
Diversity, Equity Inclusion: Constangy, Brooks, Smith Prophete, LLConstangy's Diversity, Equity Inclusion Practice Group is committed to assisting organizations through the transformative process of cultivating a workplace culture founded on the principles of diversity, equity, inclu
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