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Found 40 results for the keyword oaic. Time 0.008 seconds.
OAICWe promote and uphold your rights to access government-held information and have your personal information protected
Social media and online privacy | OAICYou can protect your privacy by being aware of, and actively using, the privacy settings of these platforms and your devices, and understanding your legal rights.
Health information | OAICAustralian privacy law has strict rules about how a health service provider can collect, use and disclose an individual's health information.
Your personal information | OAICPersonal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
Your privacy rights | OAICIn Australia, the Privacy Act 1988 deals with your information privacy rights and how organisations and agencies must handle your personal information.
Credit reporting | OAICThere are strict rules about how credit providers and credit reporting bodies must handle your personal information. You can request a free copy of your credit report
Data breaches | OAICUnder the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme, you must be told if a data breach is likely to cause you serious harm.
Surveillance and monitoring | OAICThere are some situations where your personal information, including your image or identity information, is legally allowed or required to be collected.
Privacy complaints | OAICThe Privacy Act has strict rules about how an organisation or agency handles your personal information. If you think they've mishandled it, you can lodge a complaint with us.
Privacy | OAICGuidance on how to handle your personal information and promote awareness of your privacy rights.
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