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Found 11 results for the keyword nextgear. Time 0.006 seconds.
NextGear Capital | Customizable Floor Plan Options | Cox AutomotiveNextGear Capital offers customizable floor plan options that increase dealer’s buying power and enhances their inventory acquirement strategy.
NextGear Capital - HomeDealer Floor Planning Made Easy | Premier Digital Retailing Solution | Cox is a leading automotive digital marketing solution, connecting websites, the Unified Advertising Exchange and managed services together to enhance performance.
Manheim | World’s Largest Used Vehicle Marketplace | Cox AutomotiveManheim is the world’s largest used vehicle marketplace offering 8M+ vehicles a year a full portfolio of remarketing products services.
Dealertrack | Technology Solutions for the Automotive Industry | Cox ADealertrack’s products include dealer management system (DMS), fixed operations, CRM, sales and F I, and registration and titling.
vAuto | New Used Vehicle Inventory Optimization Pricing | Cox AutovAuto helps dealers determine the vehicles that will perform best in their specific markets throughout US Canada.
VinSolutions | Client Relationship Management System | Cox AutomotiveVinSolutions is a leading developer of easy-to-use software solutions that span the needs of complex auto dealership processes.
Autotrader | Online Marketplace for Car Buyers and Sellers | Cox AutomReaching more actual car buyers than any other third-party listings site, Autotrader is the cornerstone of car buying and selling in the U.S.
Cox Automotive Inc. | Transforming the Way the World Buys, Sells, OwnsPut the Power of Cox Automotive to Work for You. Our brands provide industry-leading digital marketing, retail, financial and wholesale solutions for consumers, dealers, manufacturers and the global automotive ecosystem.
Cox Automotive | Cox CareersThe road of life has many twists and turns. Cox Automotive makes the journey easier by simplifying the process of buying, selling, owning and using cars. We get dealers and customers where they want to be, fueled by our
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