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Found 75 results for the keyword newel. Time 0.005 seconds.
A newel, also called a central pole, is the central supporting pillar of a spiral staircase. It can also (usually as "newel post") refer to an upright post that supports the handrail of a stair banister. -- Wikipedia Box Newel Posts | Hardwood Newel PostsBox newel posts online in a wide variety of wood species and styles, including domestic and Amish-made newels. Largest selection online!
Newel Posts - Stair BitsSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
Stair Parts | Westfire Stair PartsStair Parts Online, Box Newel Posts, Handrails, hardwood balusters, Stair Treads and Risers
Buy Quality Stair Parts Online | Westfire Stair PartsWestfire is a supplier of wood stair parts, box newel posts, fireplace mantels and iron balusters from leading manufacturers including WM-Coffman, and Pearl Mantels
Newels - Stair BitsSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
Turned Stair Parts UK | Affordable Timber Stair Spindles - Stair BitsSupplying quality Timber Turned Stair Parts across the UK for nearly 40 years. We offer standard and bespoke Stair Parts in various timbers.
Railings And Stairs Canada - Stair Treads, Hardwood Spindles, HandrailRailings And Stairs Canada is a wholesale Distributor, supplier & manufacturer of quality stair parts, custom millwork, hardwood spindles, handrails newel post, and more. We carry many in-stock balusters and stair treads
Oak Stair Parts, Pine Metal Staircase Components | Mr StepsStockists of high quality affordable oak stair parts, pine and metal components for all of your staircase renovation and DIY needs.
Handrails Baserails - Stair BitsSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
Basket - Stair BitsSorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
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