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Dr Vernon Neppe's Bio - Pacific Neuropsychiatric InstituteThe Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute (PNI) is involved with comprehensive evaluation and management in Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology at the clinical, research, forensic, education and phenomenologic levels.
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AP MagazineAn alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. Published since 1985, online since 2001.
HLB Bahamas | HLB BahamasWe are change drivers. Our team of trusted advisors and chartered accountants is dedicated to helping your business grow. No matter the obstacle, we will overcome it together.
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Employment Opportunities | HLB BahamasWe believe success comes from everyone working together to achieve a common goal. We value independence, integrity, objectivity, competence and due care from all of our team members.
Our Team | HLB BahamasShoneva brings over 11 years of audit experience to the team. Her past clients include airlines, private banks, insurance companies and non-profit organizations. Shoneva has been a part of the HLB Bahamas team since Augu
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