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Found 12 results for the keyword moontrekker. Time 0.008 seconds.

Barclays MoonTrekker (Intro, Schedule, Application, Maps, Elevation an

Barclays MoonTrekker (Moonlit 27 Sunrise 40) is Hong Kong s leading night trial hiking/running event that delivers a fantastic experience and raises money for it s nominated charity. - Details - Similar

Lei Yue Mun at Yau Tong| 九龍油塘鯉魚門 | The Hong Kong Less Traveled

Lei Yue Mun at Yau Tong is a narrow channel located at the east end of Victoria Harbor between Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Since 1970s, Lei Yue Mun has transformed into a popular tourist spot as seafood center. - Details - Similar

Chensong | The Hong Kong Less Traveled

In 2003, I moved to Hong Kong with a dream of traveling around the world. Later I found out, HK is an amazing mini world . Other than skyscrapers, a few steps outside the modern city, it has steep hills, winding coastli - Details - Similar

Hong Kong Style | The Hong Kong Less Traveled - Details - Similar

About Chensong (Paul Chen) | The Hong Kong Less Traveled

Other than skyscrapers, a few steps outside this modern city, it has steep hills, winding coastlines, outlying islands, millions of years volcanic rocks, remote beaches, unspoilt fishing villages, secret waterfalls, wild - Details - Similar

Useful Hong Kong Hiking and Travel Websites | The Hong Kong Less Trave

A list of websites that provide useful information about hiking in Hong Kong and traveling in Hong Kong. It also includes other travel blogs that can help you explore the world. - Details - Similar

Vibram® Hong Kong 100 (Intro, Schedule, Application, Maps and Training

The Vibram® Hong Kong 100 is similar to Oxfam Trailwalker HK, but with a better planned route. It is also an ultra endurance 100km race, starting at Pak Tam Chung on the Sai Kung Peninsula and covering some of the most b - Details - Similar

Raleigh Challenge - Wilson Trail (Intro, Schedule, Application, Maps,

Raleigh Challenge - Wilson Trail was first launched as an internal event in 2000 as a local Hong Kong hiking event. It was initiated by a group of enthusiastic Raleigh Venturers to raise funds for Raleigh Hong Kong (RH - Details - Similar

Into the Mountains - HK Hiking Trails | The Hong Kong Less Traveled

Believe it or not, Hong Kong is the most mountainous city in the world. You will get a completely different view of the city from Lantau Peak, Sunset Peak, Lion Rock, Tai Mo Shan, Sharp Peak, etc. - Details - Similar

Oxfam Trailwalker (Intro, Schedule, Application, Maps, Elevation and T

Oxfam Trailwalker is one of the largest fundraising sporting events in Hong Kong. Since 1986, more than 73,000 participants have raised over HK$365 million to support Oxfam s various poverty alleviation and emergency rel - Details - Similar

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