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Found 473 results for the keyword missionaries. Time 0.007 seconds.
Missionaries of the Gospel of Life - Missionaries of the Gospel ofMissionaries of the Gospel of Life: A Program of Priests for Life
Our Missionaries First United Methodist Church of PhoenixvilleWe are Partners in Mission with Mutwale Wa Mushidi and Kabaka Alphonsine, United Methodist missionaries in Tanzania. You can read more about their ministry here.
Missionaries to Cyberspace - The Ministry of Bob and Maureen HoffmanBob and Maureen Hoffman, Independent Baptist Missionaries to Cyberspace
Home page - Prayer Baptist Missions InternationalFulfilling God s command to evangelize the lost. Assisting local churches and missionaries in fulfilling the Great Commission, emphasizing Biblical principles and practical experience. OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES Prayer Bapti
Sending Celebration - IMBIMB hosts Sending Celebrations throughout the year to worship together, pray and send out Southern Baptists’ newest missionaries. Each Sending Celebration features the stories of how God has called these missionaries to
Mormons Made SimpleEducating the public about the Mormon faith using simple, explanatory videos
International Outreach Ministries |“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” Matthew 28:19
Ukraine Relief Efforts - IMBThrough Send Relief, IMB personnel and their local partners are actively ministering to Ukrainians escaping the escalating war. Follow and join our work in Ukraine.
North American Mission Board - HomeDiscover NAMB, sending thousands of missionaries, chaplains, and church planters on mission through evangelism and compassion in North America.
Christ Centered, Affordable Mission Trips to MexicoWe are long-term missionaries who use short-term mission teams in fulfilling the Great Commission! We are a non-denominational ministry with 24 yrs. experience.
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