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Found 18 results for the keyword micon. Time 0.008 seconds.
Micon the Younger of Athens was an ancient Greek painter and sculptor from the middle of the 5th century BC. He was closely associated with Polygnotus of Thasos, in conjunction with whom he adorned the Stoa poikile ("Painted Portico"), at Athens, with paintings of the Battle of Marathon and other battles. -- Wikipedia NEG Micon 750 KW | Amar PolymersAPPLICATION : To absorb the vibration produced from Gearbox
NEG Micon 400 KW | Amar PolymersSUITABLE WIND TURBINE MODEL : NM 750/400
NEG Micon 225 KW | Amar PolymersAPPLICATION : Assembly part to connect the blades to the main shaft SUITABLE WIND TURBINE MODEL : NM 700/225
Amar Polymers | Manufacturer Supplier of Wind turbine spare componenActive Clients
Vestas V47 | Amar PolymersAPPLICATION : To absorb the vibration produced from Generator
Vestas V39 | Amar PolymersAPPLICATION : To absorb the vibration produced from Generator
Vestas V82 | Amar PolymersSUITABLE WIND TURBINE MODEL : Vestas V82
Vestas V27 | Amar PolymersAPPLICATION : To absorb the vibration produced from Generator
Inquiry | Amar PolymersOrganization Name
Company | Amar PolymersWith the combination of technical expertise and customer service, Amar has sustained in the market for the last four decades thereby earning a loyal network of customers and suppliers. Amar continues to serve the enginee
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