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Found 880 results for the keyword memoir. Time 0.008 seconds.
Memoir (from French: mémoire: memoria, meaning memory or reminiscence), is a literary nonfiction genre. More specifically, it is a collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events, both public or private that took place in the author's life. -- Wikipedia Britney Spears Reveals in Her Memoir that She Had an Abortion During HBritney Spears claimed in her new memoir that she had an abortion during her relationship with Justin Timberlake.
My Little Girl Gone (A Memoir) Barbara LarrivaClick here to purchase the Kindle version of My Little Girl Gone from Amazon.
Books - Duckworth BooksExplore Duckworth books in your favourite genre: Memoir, Psychology, Popular science, History, Historical fiction
Memories In Writing | Do-It-Yourself Memoir Products | Write Your StorMemories In Writing do-it-yourself memoir products help individuals capture and preserve their unique stories in a book. Our thought-provoking questions, engaging videos, and insightful interviews will guide you through
Fame Memoir | World Celebrity Bio and BirthdaysFind out birthdays and discover who shares your birthday. We make it simple and entertaining to learn about world celebrities bios, age, family, and career.
Positive Thinking ADHD – Bryan Hutchinson’s Blog – ADHD Books’ RevieBryan Hutchinson is the author of several ADHD books like the acclaimed One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir and of one of the most downloaded ADHD eBooks in history!
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Professional Memoir Ghostwriting Services | Hire Ghost Writer Author |Hire ghost writer author? John DeSimone specializes in crafting engaging and impactful personal memoirs ghostwriting services that connect deeply with readers and leave a lasting impression.
Professional biography writers | biographer for hire | hire a memoir wProfessional biography writers | biographer for hire | biography writing services | biography writers for hire | hire a memoir writer
Matthew Perry Will Remove Mean Keanu Reeves Insults In Future EditioMatthew Perry has apologized and says he will remove his Keanu Reeves insults in future editions of his memoir after facing major backlash.
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