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The Fantazine
StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science, pop culture coScience, pop culture comedy collide on StarTalk w/ astrophysicist Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-hosts, celebrities scientists.
The Fantazine
Complex number - WikipediaThe complex numbers form a rich structure that is simultaneously an algebraically closed field, a commutative algebra over the reals, and a Euclidean vector space of dimension two.
T thp l Istv nT thp l Istv n - T thp l Istv n s Website, Website about T oacute;thp aacute;l Istv aacute;n - T oacute;thp aacute;l Istv aacute;n weblapja
Piet Jonas: On The Road 2.0 - now on Andoid Car
Modern portfolio theory - WikipediaIf all the asset pairs have correlations of 0—they are perfectly uncorrelated—the portfolio's return variance is the sum over all assets of the square of the fraction held in the asset times the asset's return variance (
Tim Berners-Lee - WikipediaIn 1989, CERN was the largest Internet node in Europe and Berners-Lee saw an opportunity to join hypertext with the Internet:
Sparky Clown's Science Research LabSparky Clown's Advanced Science Research Center; honey bees, fractals, Kansas, intellegence, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Australia, space travel
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