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Found 12 results for the keyword majilite. Time 0.008 seconds.
Faux Leather Suede - Synthetic Leather Manufacturer | MajiliteMajilite is the leading manufacturer of luxury faux leather and suede. Experience premium touch, performance, and colors of Majilite.
About Us - Luxury Faux Leather Manufacturer | MajiliteMajilite corporation is known for a stunning array of luxury faux leather, suede and other microfiber products.
Products - MajiliteFaux suede and faux leather are the Majilite products with custom manufacturing we create innovative products.
Markets - MajiliteDiscover Majilite s innovative products, blending space-age chemistry with textile engineering. Experience outstanding performance.
Technical, Installation, Cleaning Resources | MajiliteTechnical, Installation and Cleaning instructions allow you to view all the benefits of Majilite leather from handling, to repairs and cuts.
Contact Us - MajiliteAsk us a question, we want to assist you in all of your technical faux leather needs from Majilite.
Request a Conversation - MajiliteMajilite incites you to request a conversation about your project, designer, and company needs.
Customized Faux Leather Other Luxury Fabrics | MajiliteMajilite offers customized faux leather other fabrics so you to experience the intersection of luxury science. Request a sample.
Sustainability - MajiliteMajilites goal is to provide the highest quality faux leathers and suedes to our customers.
Request a Sample - MajiliteRequest a sample up to three products at a time will all specifications including color, size, and quantity.
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