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Found 87 results for the keyword lovelace. Time 0.007 seconds.
Lovelace is a surname. The two most notable people named Lovelace are: -- Wikipedia Lovelace Biomedical | Albuquerque Contract Research LaboratoryLovelace Biomedical in Albuquerque is equipped to tackle preclinical research for everything from gene therapies to infectious disease solutions.
Our work | Ada Lovelace InstituteAt the Ada Lovelace Institute we use a range of research methodologies to explore sociotechnical questions relating to data and AI
Who we work with | Ada Lovelace InstituteOpportunities for organisations and communities to collaborate with us.
News events | Ada Lovelace InstituteRead our latest news and join the conversation at an event
Blog | Ada Lovelace InstituteWriting, thinking and debating about how data and AI can be made to work for people and society
About | Ada Lovelace InstituteOur core beliefs are that the benefits of data and AI must be justly and equitably distributed, and they must enhance individual and social wellbeing
Ada Lovelace InstituteAn independent research institute with a mission to ensure data and AI work for people and society
Plastic Surgery in Fort Worth, TX | New Leaf Plastic SurgeryDiscover a new you, with a wide variety of plastic surgery procedures in Fort Worth, TX. Book a consultation with Dr. Lovelace to learn the best option for you.
GeForce RTX 40 Series Gaming Laptops | NVIDIAThe world’s fastest laptops for gamers and creators. They’re built with the ultra-efficient NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture.
eDash: Brandon Lovelace: What Everybody Must Learn about High Stakes OIn the current fast-paced world, the idea of highstakes reigns supreme in a variety of areas of our life. It encompasses situations that encompass high risks, large rewards, and significant effects. Highstakes situations
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