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Lippe is a Kreis (district) in the east of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Neighboring districts are Herford, Minden-Lübbecke, Höxter, Paderborn, Gütersloh, and district-free Bielefeld, which forms the region Ostwestfalen-Lippe. -- Wikipedia Services - e4, inc. Green Building Services, LEED Consultant, New YorkPamela Lippe and e4, inc. have been advising owners and principals for over 20 years on how to cost-effectively respond to the increasing internal and external demands for improving the sustainability and performance of
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Nordine Oubaali Early life, Bio, Networth (Updated January 2025)Nordine Oubaali is professional boxer. View the latest Wiki of Nordine Oubaali also find Married Life, Net Worth, Salary, Age, Height More
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