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Found 35 results for the keyword leves. Time 0.007 seconds.
Leves (Singular: Levis) were javelin-armed skirmishers in the army of the early Roman republic. They were typically some of the youngest and poorest men in the legion, and could not afford much equipment. -- Wikipedia Conjuntos de Verão Infantil Meninas
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Meninas Compre Conjuntos de Ver�o para Meninas OnlineEntendemos a importância de oferecer roupas infantis que resistam ao ritmo acelerado das brincadeiras e acompanhem o crescimento dos meninos.
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Quiropráutica - WikipediaLa intelixencia innata llegó a convertise nun conceutu teolóxicu, la representación de la Intelixencia Universal (Dios) dientro de cada persona. 5
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