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Found 29 results for the keyword legong. Time 0.007 seconds.
Legong is a form of Balinese dance. It is a refined dance form characterized by intricate finger movements, complicated footwork, and expressive gestures and facial expressions. -- Wikipedia Krupuk Udang Aloha Sidoarjo - Prawn Cracker IndonesiaProdusen krupuk udang aloha sidoarjo - Manufacturer of prawn cracker from Indonesia
Getaway To Bali
Bali Trip Guide
Bali - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebasLuas wilayah Provinsi Bali adalah 5.636,66 km2 atau 0,29% luas wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Secara administratif Provinsi Bali terbagi atas 8 kabupaten, 1 kotamadya, 55 kecamatan, dan 701 desa/kelurahan.
Guía Turístico en Bali - Guia Español en Bali, Excursiones en IndonesiPROFESIONAL GUÍA TURÍSTICO ESPAÑOL EN BALI: quisiera compartir nuestras experiencias dulces con usted escorting usted durante sus viajes para descubrir las atracciones más hermosas de Bali e Indonesia.
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Bali - WikipediaDuring the Japanese occupation, a Balinese military officer, I Gusti Ngurah Rai, formed a Balinese 'freedom army'. The harshness of Japanese occupation forces made them more resented than the Dutch colonial rulers. 34
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Gianyar Regency - Bali, IndonesiaTourist destination in Gianyar regency which is famous in the world is Ubud which is one of the most visited tourist destinations on the island of Bali.
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