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Found 347 results for the keyword legionella. Time 0.007 seconds.
The genus Legionella is a pathogenic group of Gram-negative bacteria, that includes the species L. pneumophila, causing Legionellosis (all illnesses caused by Legionella) including a pneumonia type illness called Legionnaires' disease and a mild flu like illness called Pontiac fever. -- Wikipedia Legionella Training Courses - ADM TrainingLegionella Training including L8, Legionella Awareness, Legionella Management and Water System Techncian Training Courses for people managing water systems.
Basic Legionella Management - Aegis 4 TrainingLegionella is a lethal bacterium which is common to most work places since they’re usually found in air-conditioners... Basic Legionella Management
Legionella Risk Assessments | Assured Water Hygiene Ltd | LondonLegionella Risk Assessments, Water Treatment, Water Hygiene and Legionella Control Specialists for London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Essex, Herts, Middx
Legionella Awareness - ADM TrainingThis course is for anyone requiring an introduction to the issues relating to Legionella and Legionnaires’ disease including risk assessment and control measures used within water systems. It is ideally suited to technic
Drinking Water Testing | Legionella Testing Kit | uRiskOrder our Legionella Testing Kit for reliable, easy-to-use water testing. Detect Legionella bacteria and ensure compliance with safety and health regulations.
Legionella Schematic Drawings | Services | uRiskOrder your Legionella schematic drawing today. These are required as part of meeting the HSE s Legionella guidelines in the HSG 274. Contact us Today.
Legionella Risk Assesment - DEA TorbaySince 2015 all commercial properties have had to have a legionella risk assessment carried out by a responsible person, this is to satisfy obligations under the Health Safety at Work Act 1974.
Legionella Consultancy ServiceLegionnaires’ disease is a very serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia caused by inhaling airborne water droplets, such as from a tap or shower which has been contaminated by legionella bacteria. The bacteria are
Legionella Remedial Works | Services | uRiskLegionella remedial works may be required to get water systems back in line with HSE regulations to avoid the risk of Legionnaires disease. Contact us.
Legionella Water Testing | Services | uRiskNeed Legionella water testing? We provide water testing, analysis and sampling with UKAS-approved laboratories by certified professionals. Contact us today.
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