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Lavrov, or Lavrova (feminine; ЛавроÌва) is a Russian surname and may refer to: -- Wikipedia Vladimir Putin și-a cerut scuze pentru declarațiile anti-semite ale miVladimir Putin, președintele Federației Ruse, și-a cerut scuze în numele ministrului rus de Externe, Sergei Lavrov, după declarațiile anti-semite care au stârnit un conflict diplomatic cu Israelul, a anunțat joi, 5 mai,
Pentagon chief’s ‘Freudian slip’ reveals US war intent – Moscow — RT RLloyd Austin saying NATO might need to fight Russia directly was a Freudian slip, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has claimed
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Portal:Current events - WikipediaArmed conflicts and attacks
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There s No Way to Explain the Degree of Death and Destruction in GazBy Gideon Levy There is no way to explain Israel s conduct in the Gaza Strip. Destruction, killing, starvation and siege in such monstrous dimensions can no longer be explained or justified, even by an effective propag
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