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Found 31 results for the keyword landshut. Time 0.007 seconds.
Landshut is a city in Bavaria in the south-east of Germany, belonging to both Eastern and Southern Bavaria. Situated on the banks of the River Isar, Landshut is the capital of Lower Bavaria, one of the seven administrative regions of the Free State of Bavaria. -- Wikipedia palladi - Der integrative Hort in Landshut, der Hort für alle Schülerpalladi - Der integrative Hort für alle Schüler in Landshut. Zentral am Fuße des Hofbergs in der Freyung gelegen - abseits der großen Verkehrsstraßen und dennoch Zentral in Landshut.
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Deutsche Autokennzeichen von A bis ZDeutsche Autokennzeichen von A bis Z als Liste. Finden sie heraus woher ein Kennzeichen kommt was sie auf der Strasse gesehen haben mit Ort und Bundesland. class= yoast-seo-meta-tag
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My German Table - Recipes and Food of Thought from Southern GermanyWelcome to My German Table. My name is Tim and on this blog, I share my favorite recipes as well as food of thought with you.
Götz von Berlichingen - WikipediaWhen invited to surrender by the Swabian League, Götz reportedly said of the Swabian general: He can lick my ass! This anecdote helped popularise the phrase, which came to be called the Swabian salute in his honour.
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