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The Dread And Fun Of Stretching Your Own Canvas. blog by BOB CAULEYMy children and grandchildren inspire me to create art these days. I use the teachings and life lessons I learned through my military career to create pieces of who I am so that I can communicate that to the ones I love
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Social media - WikipediaThese early text-based systems expanded to include images and video in the 21st century, aided by digital cameras and camera phones. 18
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Grassroots Grants - Story of StuffOur Grassroots Grants program supports underfunded organizations and communities addressing a myriad of environmental and social justice issues, with a focus on fights over water privatization and plastic pollution.
Social media marketing - WikipediaOn a strategic level, social media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign, governance, setting the scope (e.g. more active or passive use) and the establishment of a firm's desired social media cultur
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