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A krater (in Greek: κÏατήÏ, kratÄ“r, from the verb κεÏάννυμι, keránnymi, "to mix") is a large vase used to mix wine and water in Ancient Greece. -- Wikipedia Rome and ArtVisit and discover Rome: 3000 years of history, art, architecture and culture
Goblet or chalice vessel with French Armagnac eggnogCrackle glazed chalice vessel - Isabelle Petrik Armagnac Eggnog Goblet Goblets have a festive look about them, whereas the chalice is
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The Etruscans - who were the Etruscans and where did they come fromThe origins of the Etruscan population of Tuscany, their language and history. DNA evidence for an origin in Lydia, southern Anatolia
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Tsiolkovskiy (crater) - WikipediaThe crater has an unusually high rockfall density for its diameter, although this does not apply to its northwest rim. 8 2
Swiss Travel Association, STAR, Verband der Schweizerischen ReisebüSwiss Travel Association Zürcherstr. 49 8903 Birmensdorf
Destiny Group – Shaping the future.Inventions visions for the new world, today . Destiny Group is a multinational conglomerate company founded in 2020 operating numerous business in various sectors.
Holy Grail - WikipediaThe literature surrounding the Grail can be divided into two groups. The first concerns King Arthur's knights visiting the Grail castle or questing after the object. The second concerns the Grail's earlier history in the
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