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Found 36 results for the keyword knesset. Time 0.006 seconds.
Netanyahu's Likud party to lose half of Knesset seats, opinion poRecent polls have consistently indicated a decline in the popularity of the right-wing Likud Party since Israel launched its war on Gaza.
Yair Levy Hadari Suicide News: Is Israeli Politician Dead Or Alive?Former politician and Israeli Haredi rabbi Yair Levy served as a Shas representative in the Knesset from 1988 to 1992...
DEBKAfile - Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, SecurityPolitical Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security
The Jerusalem Post - All News from Israel, the Middle East and the JewThe Jerusalem Post is Israel's most-read English news website and best-selling English newspaper bringing breaking news, world news middle east news.
The-Word-Well: Freshly Drawn Observations and CopyPutting words to work. Both the practical and romantic uses of language are of equal relevance to copywriter / journalist / blogger Sara Eisen.
Søkelys | Profetisk aktuelt nyhetsmagasin med fokus på aktuelle hendeEtter å ha tatt ut lederskapet både i Hamas og Hizbollah er Netanyahu og Israels neste mål å ta ut lederskapet i Teheran. Det er ikke det iranske folk som er målet, men lederskapet i Iran som har ført regionen mot stupet
Information Clearing House - ICH - NewsNot For Profit - For Global Justice - Since 2001
Netanyahu: Let me be clear — Israel has no intention of displacing GazIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed Israel s commitment to not permanently occupying Gaza or displacing its civilian population, emphasizing the fight against Hamas and compliance with international law.
New York Middle East Institute - - Saving Middle EOur REAL Method to Save Israel from the UN's kill - on the front page now
Flag of Israel - WikipediaHe puts on, when prayer fills him, The colors of his country. There stands he, wrapped in prayer, In a sparkling robe of white. The hems of the white robe Are crowned with broad stripes of blue; Like the High Priest's r
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