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Found 26 results for the keyword kelson. Time 0.005 seconds.

The kelson or keelson is the member which, particularly in a wooden vessel, lies parallel with its keel but above the transverse members such as timbers, frames or in a larger vessel, floors. It is fastened to the keel partly to impart additional longitudinal stiffness to it but principally to bind the longitudinal members (keel and hog) to the transverse members (frames and floors). -- Wikipedia

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Kelson Design has the iconic revolutionary eyewear design, sunglasses and frame to suit any face shape. The trending style that make you standout from the rest. inspired by the popular branded eyewear designer such as t - Details - Similar

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Kelson Design has the iconic revolutionary eyewear design, sunglasses and frame to suit any face shape. The trending style that make you standout from the rest. inspired by the popular branded eyewear designer such as t - Details - Similar

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Kelson Design has the iconic revolutionary eyewear design, sunglasses and frame to suit any face shape. The trending style that make you standout from the rest. inspired by the popular branded eyewear designer such as t - Details - Similar

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Kelson Design has the iconic revolutionary eyewear design, sunglasses and frame to suit any face shape. The trending style that make you standout from the rest. inspired by the popular branded eyewear designer such as t - Details - Similar

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Kelson Design has the iconic revolutionary eyewear design, sunglasses and frame to suit any face shape. The trending style that make you standout from the rest. inspired by the popular branded eyewear designer such as t - Details - Similar

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Kelson Design has the iconic revolutionary eyewear design, sunglasses and frame to suit any face shape. The trending style that make you standout from the rest. inspired by the popular branded eyewear designer such as t - Details - Similar

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Cast Iron Foundry Coimbatore - Best Iron Casting Foundries in India, C

Bakgiyam Engineering is the best iron casting and aluminium casting foundry in Coimbatore, India. We have different types of casting processes like Moulding, Sand Plant, Core making, Melting, Shot blasting and Fettling. - Details - Similar

Kejova Red Hot Rumour at Gelderland (IMP NZ)

Sollerus Rottweilers: Our Girls: KEJOVA RED HOT RUMOUR AT GELDERLAND (IMP NZ) Flame - Rottweiler Breeder and Exhibitor, Fleurieu Peninsula, Adelaide, South Australia - Details - Similar

Funding - Maine International Trade Center

MITC provides financial support to Maine companies for activities to improve global competitiveness and develop international markets with funding available - Details - Similar

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