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Found 77 results for the keyword karantina. Time 0.015 seconds.
La Quarantaine, which is colloquially referred to as Karantina (Arabic: الكرنتينا) and sometimes spelled Quarantina, is a predominantly low-income, mixed-use residential, commercial, and semi-industrial neighborhood in northeastern Beirut. The neighborhood lies east of the Port of Beirut, which also encircles it from the north, west of the Beirut River and north of the Charles Helou highway and the Achrafieh district of Beirut. -- Wikipedia Biaya Umroh | Travel Umroh Terpercaya Umroh RegulerBila memang kepastian keberangkatan yang dicari, Insya Allah Travel Umroh Alhijaz adalah jawabannya.
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Real Estate In Lebanon | Agents Realtors | Sakan Real EstateBuy & sell an apartment in Beirut, Lebanon with Sakan real estate. We also deal in the purchase & sale of land as well as leasing of both commercial and residential buildings.
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Kıbrıs hakkında bilgi - SEKTORKIBRIS.COM Kıbrısta ilan vermenin en kolKıbrıs, Sicilya ve Sardunya adalarından sonra Akdeniz’in üçüncü büyük adasıdır. Kıbrıs adası, Doğu Akdeniz’deki özel konumundan dolayı tarih...
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