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Found 53 results for the keyword joglo. Time 0.008 seconds.
Joglo is a traditional vernacular house of Javanese people. It consist of two parts; the pendopo and dalem. -- Wikipedia Javanese Traditional Wooden HousesJoglo is a traditional Houses of Javanese society. Consisting of 2 main sections namely Pendapa and ndalem.
Hotel di Jogja / Hotel murah Yogyakarta 2024Hotel di Jogja mulai dari homestay, hotel murah Jogja, hingga luxury Phoenix ada disini. Lebih banyak hotel di Malioboro, dan pusat kota dengan harga promo setiap hari. Lebih Hemat dan Lebih Nyaman reservasi lebih awal
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KAYU GALLERY BALIkayu gallery located in Ubud Bali, provided antique product from wood, metal and also wooden house such as joglo, limasan, or other antique product with good quality and good price
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