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Found 81 results for the keyword jjk. Time 0.027 seconds.
The Jin Joong Kwan Difference - JJK HapkidoJin Joong Kwan Hapkido is a very serious system of self-defense that is based on real situations of aggression.
Symbols and Flags - JJK HapkidoLearn about the symbols that are part of the Jin Joong Kwan copyrighted logo and the meaning of the flags in the dojangs.
Jin Joong Kwan Mission - JJK HapkidoLearn the mission statement of Jin Joong Kwan Hapkido as established in 1967 by the founder Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong.
Welcome from the Founder of JJK - JJK HapkidoWelcome message from the FOUNDER of Jin Joong Kwan Hapkido, Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong.
Cart - JJK HapkidoJin Joong Kwan Hapkido shopping cart for online payments.
PRESIDENT Grandmaster Michael Rhoades - JJK HapkidoFounder and President of Jin Joong Kwan Hapkido-USA, Inc. plus owner of Professional Defense Services, LLC, Grandmaster Michael Rhoades has studied and taught martial arts in every venue possible over the past twenty-fiv
FOUNDER Grandmaster Kim Myung Yong - JJK HapkidoGrandmaster Kim Myung Yong is the FOUNDER of Jin Joong Kwan Hapkido, worldwide. Established in 1967.
Korean Culture and Etiquette - JJK HapkidoLearn words you may hear in the dojang (school) and learn respect and etiquette we strive for.
Hapkido VS Other Martial Arts - JJK HapkidoHapkido employs power and speed in a large variety of kicks, strikes, joint locks, throws, pinning techniques, plus use of pressure points.
What Is Hapkido? - JJK HapkidoHapkido is a complete martial art system, including powerful kicks, strikes, joint locks, throws, pinning and more.
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