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Found 21 results for the keyword ipo3. Time 0.005 seconds.
German ShepherdsTo my friends and former/current instructors,
German ShepherdsV-Kent von Aurora Teufelblut IPO3 FH KKL life, DNA
German ShepherdsBeware of the Breeder who uses the terminology:
German ShepherdsMark has served the United Schutzhund Clubs as Regional Director for the Mid Eastern Region and Vice President of USCA. Michele has served as Regional Breed Warden, USCA Secretary and USCA National Breed Warden.
German ShepherdsWebsite powered by Network Solutions
Entry Form | uscachampionshipsWelcome to United Schutzund Clubs of America's Working Dog Championships. This event showcases the top dog/handler teams in the country.
Merchandise | uscachampionshipsPast Results and Sponsors
USCA IGP3 NationalsWelcome to United Schutzund Clubs of America's IGP3 Nationals. This event showcases the top dog/handler teams in the country.
von Wyndmoor Breeders - A World of DifferenceJim Hill is a top breeder of German Shepherd Dogs since 1982. If you are looking for a well bred puppy or the perfect imported canine, von Wyndmoor Breeders should be your first choice.
Zima Von Barren BergPedigree information about the German Shepherd Dog Zima Von Barren Berg
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