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Found 11 results for the keyword instaecho. Time 0.007 seconds.
InstaEcho | Echocardiogram Interpretation ReportingInstaECHO is a AI aided human-verified echocardiogram Interpretation and Echo reporting services that can be used at any healthcare setups. Know more!
Accelerating Cardiac Care Diagnosis | Tricog HealthEnsuring accurate and timely accelerating cardiac care for patients is a top priority. Discover how this Human + AI-based platform can help you achieve goal.
Diagnostic Services | Interpreting 12-Lead ECG ResultsTricog Health offers Echo ECG services are available 24x7 to provide prompt and efficient standard diagnostic services. Know more!
About Us | Tricog HealthEarly detection of Cardiovascular conditions To change the 80% chance that a heart attack will take life to an 80% chance that the patient survives.
InstaECG | #1 Partner for ECG Interpretation DiagnosisInstaECG is a AI aided human-verified portable 12 Lead ECG machine and ECG interpretation services that can be used at any healthcare setups. Know more!
#1 Cardiology Blog | Tricog HealthOur Cardiology blog offers current trends in Cardiology, you ll find everything you need to know about patient studies is right here.
ECG diagnosis Echo diagnosis for Clinics | Tricog HealthIn clinic we help doctors with timely and accurate Echo reporting, 12 Lead ECG diagnosis reporting to detect heart ailments as a first point of consultation.
Public Health | Improving Door to Balloon Time for PatientsUsing timely accurate STEMI identification, improve patient outcomes in public health to improve door to balloon, and lower overall mortality.
ECG and ECHO reporting for Pharma Others | Tricog HealthHelping pharma in conducting clinical trials, geographic studies, trials with standardized diagnostic results gathering real-world evidence of drugs and results.
Timely identification of STEMI for Hospitals | Tricog HealthSetting-up a 12-channel ECG and ECHO solution in hospital for identifying and treating STEMI patients within the golden hour to improve your ECG/ECHO workflow.
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