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Found 63 results for the keyword inoculation. Time 0.005 seconds.
Inoculation (also known as variolation) was a historical method for the prevention of smallpox by deliberate introduction into the skin of material from smallpox pustules. This generally produced a less severe infection than naturally-acquired smallpox, but still induced immunity to it. -- Wikipedia Medicament Inoculation Pdf - Behandlung von Narben Was sind Narben? Narben sind Spuren von Verbrennungen, Trauma, Akne und chirurgischen Eingriffen, die auf unserer Haut zurückbleiben und Teil des natürlichen Heilungsp
Automated blood culture system LB-10ABC | LabotronicsDiscover our Automated blood culture system LB-10ABC has specifications like Cell capacity of 50, TTP (Time to positivity) of > 90 % within 24 hours, Inoculation of Rotary shaking, Incubation temperature of 35 °C ± 1.5 °
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