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Indramayu is the capital of Indramayu Regency in the West Java province of Indonesia, and located in the north coastal area of West Java, east from Jakarta, north-east from the city of Bandung, and north-west of the city of Cirebon. Indramayu is situated below sea level, which means that it is risky if there is high tide in stormy conditions. -- Wikipedia Bisnis Kemitraan Minyak Goreng Indramayu | Peluang Usaha Franchise ModKONSULTASI, KLIK WA , Bisnis Kemitraan Minyak Goreng indramayu, Bisnis Kemitraan Minyak Goreng indramayu, pom mini minyak goreng cipayung, pom mini minyak goreng ciracas, pom mini minyak goren
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