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Found 14 results for the keyword hovind. Time 0.006 seconds.
Sermons and Audio Files | Berean Research InstituteKent Hovind, Kent Kelly: Rock-N-Roll Music, Charismatic Movement, Confusion, T.V., Ron Carlson: Evolution Vs Creation
Sermons and Video Files | Berean Research InstituteMike Wright Defeating Calvinism, Answering Jehovah's Witnesses, Jehovah Contradicts Jehovah, God and Christmas, Worshipping the Golden Calf
Audio | Proof That God ExistsSye joined Jeff Durbin and Luke Pierson on Apologia Radio on April 5, 2013. They were joined by atheist André for the last half of the show, then talked for about half an hour after the show. Link for sharing here.
Creation | EarthlastdayEarth last day end time bible prophecy Creation vs evolution debates Jesus loves you so much Jesus really cares and thinks about you Is it a good idea to know how much Jesus cares by learning more about the BIble Earth l
Doctrines Index | Berean Research InstituteSound doctrine unites believers in Christ, false doctrine divides from Christ, and conflicting doctrine disrupts unity in Christ.
Book Reviews Index | Berean Research Institute: by Mike WrightMany books attack the truth itself - God's word. May the best book win.
What We Believe | Berean Research Institute - Mike WrightWe defer entirely to God's Word as our sole and complete statement of faith.
Bible Versions Index | Berean Research InstituteAre modern versions of God or is the Authorized Version, King James Bible, the only word of God in English?
Sitemap | the Berean Research InstituteBerean Research Bible Studies explain the gospel of Jesus Christ - how to be saved - born again, and go to heaven.
Contact Us | Berean Research InstituteFeel free to contact us. We would be pleased to hear from you.
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