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JamsPlace - Literally Immersive Gamebooks | James A Hirons authorTheresa Godly speaks to film reviewer Ward Bond, about her short film on parental alienation, the award winning The Stranger I Love. Click here to watch.
Deddington History - Site Map
FF Fests | JamsPlace - Literally Immersive GamebooksThe year was 2012 and Jonathan Green began to formulate ideas and started working very hard indeed...7th September 2014 saw the first dedicated Fighting Fantasy Fest convention as arranged by Jonathan Green. It also sees
Headway - the brain injury association | HeadwayHeadway is the UK-wide charity that works to improve life after brain injury by providing vital support and information services.
Deddington History - Parish Archive RegisterSearching for any of our hundreds of items is best done using the Search facility.
About Me | JamsPlace - Literally Immersive GamebooksSIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER click here! Hi all, Jam here, welcome to my blog. I m a humble working class male and author of the Literally Immersive Gamebooks series. I enjoy geocaching, anything zombie, gardening, web desi
Jam | JamsPlace - Literally Immersive GamebooksRead all of the posts by Jam on JamsPlace - Literally Immersive Gamebooks
Fighting Fantasy | JamsPlace - Literally Immersive GamebooksI am a big fan of the popular Gamebook series Fighting Fantasy, created by Games Workshop founders Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. They sold 17 million copies worldwide, have had numerous re-releases and several have
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Munzee | JamsPlace - Literally Immersive GamebooksThis is a Social Munzee, although it isn t worth points its a great way of saying Hi to fellow players or getting people to visit your site. Each Munzee can be worth a value of 5 points upwards, some in excess of 50. The
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