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Found 62 results for the keyword henk. Time 0.006 seconds.
Henk is Dutch male first name which originated as a short form of Hendrik but developed into a name in its own right. It influenced "Hank" which is used in English-speaking countries (mainly in the US) as a form of "Henry". -- Wikipedia Wie is wie - Autoschadeherstelbedrijf Gebr. WittebolOns team bestaat uit Henk en Wim Wittebol, in 2003 is hier Jelles Wittebol bijgekomen (zoon van Henk).
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Tetris - WikipediaAs of 2020, Blue Planet Software, a successor company to Bullet-Proof Software founded by Henk Rogers, owns a 50% stake of The Tetris Company, with Tetris Holding having the other half. 43
South Pasadena, California - WikipediaThe initial buildings on the Rancho San Pascual were built on the land which eventually became the cities of Pasadena, South Pasadena and Altadena. The first of these adobe structures became headquarters for General Flor
Alexey Pajitnov - WikipediaIn August 2005, WildSnake Software announced that Pajitnov would be collaborating with them to release a new line of puzzle games. 31
USNewsLeadAdam Klotz Net Worth Adam Klotz is a recognized meteorologist currently working for Fox News Channel (FNC) and Fox Business Network (FBN)....
Coaching Network | Hogan AssessmentsThe Hogan Coaching Network (HCN) is a group of carefully screened professional consultants who are experts in Hogan inventories, coaching and consulting.
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