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Found 115 results for the keyword guilder. Time 0.053 seconds.

Guilder is the English translation of the Dutch and German gulden, originally shortened from Middle High German guldin pfenninc "gold penny". This was the term that became current in the southern and western parts of the Holy Roman Empire for the Fiorino d'oro (introduced 1252). -- Wikipedia

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

Magic Energy Crystal bracelet

Crystal gems are natural minerals, each one has its different face, the surface of the stone grain, mine, color difference belongs to the natural phenomenon, giving the natural energy Look at the products of nature and f - Details - Similar

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