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Sultan Bahoo | Sultan ul faqr | Photos | Pictures | Images | Gallery -Gallery گیلری The Holy Qaaba بیت اللہ شریف اور مسجد حرام Madina Shareef مسجد نبوی اور روضۂ رسول Hazrat Ali Karum Allah Wajhul Kareem بابِ فقر حضرت علی کرم اللہ وجہہ الکریم Hazrat Fatima ul Zahra Razi Allahu Ta ala Anha خ
Shajra e Faqr - Tehreek Dawat e FaqrThe present Imam of the Sarwari Qadri lineage (Shajra-e-Faqr) is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. He is the founder of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and has devoted his life benefiting humanity with the true he
Sultan Bahoo | Sarwari Qadri Saints (Mashaikh) - Tehreek Dawat e FaqrSultan Bahoo was born on Thursday the 1st of Jamadi-us-Sani in 1039 H (17 January, 1630 A.D). Moreover, it was the time of Fajr prayers. Actually, Sultan Bahoo born in the reign of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in Shorkot, D
Sarwari Qadri Saint | Mashaikh Sarwari QadriSultan ul Ashiqeen is the present Sarwari Qadri Saint. His is spiritually linked to Holy Prophet through 30 steps i.e. Sarwari Qadri Saints.
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Sarwari Qadri Order - The Silsila of Faqr e MohammadiSarwari Qadri is Sultan Bahoo’s Sufi order of Faqr e Mohammadi led by his spiritual descendant Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman
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ARTCITI Art Gallery Karachi, Pakistan. | Online Paintings and Pakistanbest art gallery in Karachi, Pakistan which carries one of the largest collection of Pakistani art pieces from various genres, including abstract, calligraphy, landscape, figurative, miniature, seascape etc. Because of o
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