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Gestalt is a German word for form or shape. It is used in English to refer to aspects of holism. -- Wikipedia WorkshopsVisitors are now able to access Esalen as well as other businesses and trails in northern Big Sur via twice-daily convoys on Highway 1 operated by Caltrans.
Home | online | Dr Kirsty Kennedy | Clinical PsychologistEmbodied-relational clinical psychologist based in York and online; offering therapy and coaching to improve emotional wellbeing and to optimise performance.
Psicologo Firenze problematiche trattateSecondo l’approccio della Gestalt l’assunto teorico di base per la comprensione
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Course Online via distance learning - Continuing Education for AdultsBircham International University offers a great variety of distance learning continuing education courses in an attempt to provide practical companies' training and online continuing education in various specialization.
Dott.ssa Martina Fino Psicologo FirenzePsicologa Firenze Dott.ssa Martina Fino iscritta all Alboall albo degli Psicologi Firenze (Toscana) N 5767. Primo colloquio gratuito
How to Overcome Insecurity (with Pictures) - wikiHowWe all deal with insecurity at some point or another; it s a natural way to try to gauge whether our ventures will be successful or end badly for us. In the case of trying to decide whether or not to jump the grand canyo
Highgate Holistic Clinic - Alternative Medicine in North LondonHighgate Holistic Clinic offers a wide range of alternative therapies and natural medicine in North London such as acupuncture, hypnotherapy, massage, reflexology, homeopaty and much more.
Instituto Internacional de Biodanza, Javier de la SenInstituto Internacional de Biodanza, Javier de la Sen. Disciplina pionera en el autoconocimiento y la mejora personal a través del movimiento y la expresión
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