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Gef, also referred to as the Talking Mongoose or the Dalby Spook, is the name given to a talking mongoose which was claimed to inhabit a farmhouse owned by the Irving family known as Cashen's Gap near the hamlet of Dalby on the Isle of Man. The story was given extensive coverage by tabloid press in Britain in the early 1930s. -- Wikipedia GESCHICHTE IN CHRONOLOGIE von/by/de Michael Palomino (*1964)Webseiten von Michael Palomino, Historiker und Polit-Analytiker (seit 1992)
GESCHICHTE IN CHRONOLOGIE von/by/de Michael Palomino (*1964)Webseiten von Michael Palomino, Historiker und Polit-Analytiker (seit 1992)
GESCHICHTE IN CHRONOLOGIE von/by/de Michael Palomino (*1964)Webseiten von Michael Palomino, Historiker und Polit-Analytiker (seit 1992)
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