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Found 358 results for the keyword gazetteer. Time 0.007 seconds.
A gazetteer is a geographical dictionary or directory used in conjunction with a map or atlas.Aurousseau, 61. -- Wikipedia Gazetteer FilesAn official website of the United States government
Bangalore - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreA Bangalore se la alude también como la Capital pub de la India o la Capital rock metal de la India , por su escena musical underground y ser uno de los principales lugares donde se celebran conciertos internacionales
Dungeon Masters Guild - DMsGuild -Ravenloft Halloween Sale
Evanston, Illinois - WikipediaPrior to the 1830s, the area now occupied by Evanston was mainly uninhabited, consisting largely of wetlands and swampy forest. However, Potawatomi Native Americans used trails along higher lying ridges that ran in a gen
Bangalore - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliureSuryanath Kamath va proposar una explicació d'un possible origen floral del nom com a derivat de benga, el terme kannada per a Pterocarpus marsupium (també conegut com l'arbre Kino indi), una espècie d'arbres caducifolis
Family history: maps and place-namesmap and place-name resources for family historians and genealogists
Upper Marlboro, Maryland - WikipediaEarly in its life, when the western branch of the Patuxent River was still navigable, the town served as a port town for tobacco ships. The town blossomed into an agricultural, social, and political hot spot. Farms, many
Boca Raton, Florida - WikipediaIt is noteworthy that still left standing inside the old IBM complex is the office and conference table where Bill Gates signed his historic deal to supply IBM with the Microsoft MS-DOS operating system for its personal
Kenmore, Washington - WikipediaThis archipelago of dining and entertainment - over 30 different restaurants, dance halls, bars, and clubs in a three-block area - remained a major part of Kenmore's identity through the 1940s.
Pacific, Washington - WikipediaIn 1995, it annexed a portion of unincorporated Pierce County. 7
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