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Found 14 results for the keyword galaxion. Time 0.007 seconds.
Galaxion is a science fiction comic book and webcomic series written and drawn by Canadian Tara Tallan (née Jenkins). -- Wikipedia Galaxion - About Galaxion (FAQ)Yes, you probably have! Galaxion was published first as a series of minicomics (under the name Salmagundi) from 1993 to 1996, and then as a bimonthly comic book from 1997-1999. There was one graphic novel, which collecte
Galaxion - Galaxion TimelineAlso, you will find that the little buttons on my timeline are clickable, so if you want to find out what the Spring Break story was all about, for example, you can get there in one easy click!
Galaxion - Story So FarGalaxion is the name of a quirky little civilian scientific survey starship owned and operated by the Terran Space Association, and captained by Fusella Mierter (reputedly also quirky and little, but don’t say that to he
Galaxion - AuthorTara Tallan began work on her science fiction story Galaxion when she was twelve. Since then she has gone on to become a serious sci-fi nut, including having spent ten years working at Canada s oldest science fiction boo
Galaxion - BibliographySalmagundi Helikon Comics original flip book, these minicomics had Galaxion on one side, and my cousin Franz de Leon s story Vagabond on the other. The official publication schedule was quarterly, but our real driving m
Galaxion - CharactersYou can also view the cast lineup (and see their relative heights).
Galaxion - ExtrasI found one of your Signature Swag items in a geocache today near Fort Walton Beach, Florida! Very cool thank you!
Galaxion - New ReadersFor quick reference, you can read about the main characters, or you can check out our handy Timeline.
Galaxion - p.444 (Chapter Thirteen)Sorry about the long delay! Again!
Galaxion - ArchivesThe Real Reason (colour!): 1 Minor Adjustments (colour!): 1
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