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Legendary Deck Finder Tool - Hearthstone Top DecksCongratulations on your newly acquired Legendary! We created this page to help you find a deck for your new card, or maybe help you decide if you should recycle it for dust to create something better.
Hearthstone Wild Meta Decks Tier List - Scholomance Academy Update - HThe Wild format provides a unique environment where all cards are playable and numerous decks are viable, so there will always be a few lists and variations that may be missed. We have the Wild Meta Deck Tier List below
Whizbang the Wonderful Deck Recipes List - Descent of Dragons Decks, HWe ve got a full list of the current deck recipes you can potentially utilize if you are running Whizbang the Wonderful. I also go over some of the commonly asked questions about the card relating to hero powers, golden
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can Safely Disenchant - Ashes of OutlandBefore you dust any cards, make sure this list has been updated for the current meta!
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - SepDetermining which Epic Hearthstone card to craft can be a tough decision for experienced and new players alike. If you craft a card and find it less useful than initially expected, the best you can get is one-fourth of y
Hearthstone Top Decks - The Best Hearthstone Decks in the Meta!Bob the Bartender is a 6 Mana Cost Legendary Neutral Minion card from the Event set!
Best Duels Starter Decks For All Classes - 12 Wins Deck Lists (UnitedDuels is one of Hearthstone s game modes, released back in October 2020. For many expansions now players have asked for a new version of Dungeon Run, and we ve finally got it… sort of. Instead of the usual routine of fac
Hearthstone Card Backs List and How-To Unlock Them - Hearthstone Top DA card back is the art on the back of your cards. It is viewed in game by you and your opponent, when you open a pack, and when you view your cards in the my collection viewer.
Hearthstone Glossary: Terms and Terminology - Hearthstone Top DecksIf you re new to Hearthstone or card games in general then you might not be familiar with some of the terms and phrases that come along with the game. I ll try to clear up as many as possible below.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark BeyoImportant note: We still have issues with deck codes. Instead of using Copy Deck Code button, use the code posted BELOW each deck!
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