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Found 12 results for the keyword focwa. Time 0.008 seconds.
About FOCWAAlcatraz was dedicated as a National Park in 1972 because of its military history as a Civil War fort and later as a military prison.
FOCWA activities and events on Alcatraz IslandAlcatraz is open every day. You must make reservations through
FOCWA MembershipYou are invited to become a member of our organization, and help us in our mission to ?provide support to the National Park Service in educating the general public on the Civil War experience 1861 - 186
FOCWA ActivitiesFriends of Civil War Alcatraz, Activities
Friends of Civil War AlcatrazMembers give Fort Alcatraz tours
Friends of Civil War AlcatrazMembers give Fort Alcatraz tours
No TitlePhoto by Sharyle Kuhlemeier Leidy
EducationWe have members who can visit your classroom in Union uniform or 1860?s clothing, and can discuss any of the following topics:
Civil War EventsCivil War Events, Organizations, and Associations
ResourcesRodman cannon on Fort Alcatraz in the 1860s
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