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Found 14 results for the keyword fnirs. Time 0.007 seconds.
Innovative wireless EEG and fNIRS device for 64 channelsWireless EEG and fNIRS device to acquire and process both signals in real-time and in off-line mode and to take advantage of them.
g.HIamp 256-Channel Biosignal Amplifier | g.tec medical engineeringg.HIamp is a high-performance biosignal amplifier with 256 channels for invasive and non-invasive measurements of the brain that is FDA cleared and CE approved.
BCI SYSTEM: Unlocking Remarkable New Possibilities for Brain-Computerg.tec’s BCI system enables communication between the brain and a computer by detecting mental activity through EEG or ECoG signals.
g.SAHARA HYBRID: Experience Unmatched Flexibility and Extraordinary PeThe g.SAHARA Hybrid EEG technology offers versatile electrodes with an internal amplifier, usable with or without gel for stable recordings.
g.NAUTILUS RESEARCH: Groundbreaking and unique Innovations for Tomorrog.Nautilus RESEARCH is a wearable EEG headset for research applications only. It s a wearable and wireless EEG Cap.
g.tec medical engineering | Homeg.tec medical engineeirng develops and produces high-performance brain-computer interfaces and neurotechnologies for invasive and non-invasive recordings.
Sensors: The Ultimate Key to Accurate Data Acquisition from Human BodyEEG, EOG, and EMG use electrodes on the body to detect neuronal electrical activity. Other bodily signals require different sensors.
Invest in a Brain Measuring Device to Have a Better Understanding of BTo get started, you just need to conduct some research over the World Wide Web. Here, you can either visit online review websites or check social media websites to determine what other people say about their products. Th
g.Nautilus PRO Flexible | g.tec medical engineeringg.Nautilus PRO FLEXIBLE is a CE-certified and FDA cleared wearable EEG headset to record brain activity in medical and clinical environments.
Unicorn Hybrid Black: 7 Key Benefits for Unlocking Your ExtraordinaryWith the Unicorn Hybrid Black, let your innovative ideas come to life. Access your brain’s potential with this high-quality EEG headset.
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