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Flippa is a marketplace for buying and selling websites, domains and iOS apps, based in Melbourne, Australia and San Francisco. Flippa was founded by Mark Harbottle and Matt Mickiewicz as the SitePoint Marketplace, and was spun off as a separate website in June, 2009. -- Wikipedia — Domain Name For Sale on Flippa:Buy Sell Online Businesses on the Flippa marketplace.
Terms of Service - FlippaFlippa has recently updated its Terms of Service (General Terms) — Domain Name For Sale on Flippa:Buy Sell Online Businesses on the Flippa marketplace.
Cookies Tracking Policy - FlippaFlippa like most websites use cookies and other tracking technologies that record certain information related to a visit or interact with a site, service, application, messaging function, and other tools and to recognize
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Slippa | Domain & Website MarketplaceSlippa is a Flippa, Sedo clone script. Marketplace to sell domains & online business. has lot of options that flippa does
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This Domain is for sale on Flippa.comYou can buy or bid on this domain
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